The Cities Programme is very pleased to welcome four new city
participants from the Brazilian State of Santa Catarina, who have come
to the UN Global Compact with an impressive, impact-filled start.
In a meeting of the cities’ Mayors in November 2013, which was
facilitated by the Consórcio Intermunicipal Quiriri, the cities of Campo Alegre, Corupá, Rio Negrinho and São Bento do Sul
collectively agreed to commit to the ten principles of the Global
Compact on human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption. They
were also supported in this commitment by a number of private and civil
society organisations.
This collective initiative has since grown to the establishment of
‘Movimento Quiriri Sustentável’, which will work cross-sectorally and
strategically under the umbrella of the Cities Programme to develop the
territory which is around the Upper Negro River basin. This is also
being coordinated by Consorçio Intermunicipal Quiriri.
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